Thursday, June 12, 2014

Literary Thursday Entry 1: Grammar Nazi Part 1

Okay, so I feel like this will not be the last time I post something about grammar. I am a Wattpader, and reading some of my favorite stories can be tough, because of one thing.

Grammatical errors.

I know it sounds stupid, but if you are anything like me, you know the struggle. When you read and you just want to rip out your red pen and rearrange their writing, or comment on their story. I don't, because I would hate it if somebody corrected me on my spelling on the Internet. Typos are understandable, but I highly suggest that before you finish your work, check it over (as I repeatedly keep doing for this post). When I read stories on the Internet (even my own) I see several mistakes that make me twitch. Must be the writer in me. It makes me wonder why when electronic devices nowadays carry things like Auto Correct and spell-check people still get things wrong. A typo is one thing, getting the same thing wrong over and over again is not. I understand that some automatic spelling correctors do not fix the way a correctly spelled word or contraction is used.

 I have friends who have just begun writing and though the content is good, the way their words are used can leave me frustrated. For example, they do not capitalize their I's. Even when writing freehand they don't. I understand not doing it in a text (okay, in truth I don't, but I can live with it), but when you are writing a story, where the necessity of grammar is crucial, the least a person can do is capitalize their I's, use apostrophes for contractions, and break paragraphs. We are past elementary school, out of middle school, and now are two years from graduating. How will it look when you apply for college, and your essay has fantastic content, but terrible grammar? Not good.

I have some links to grammar videos I like (I do not own them, nor am I posting them due to some bad language and inappropriate humor), that can help with this predicament.

I am sorry, I am not trying to be mean, but for my first Literary Thursday, I thought a big grammar rant would be justified. Most Literary Thursdays will include a grammar section instead of being the focus of the post.

Anyway, the moral for this week is, check your story multiple times for errors before considering it finished.  Sorry it took so long to get to the point.

Thank you for reading, see you next time.